Life ends and something else begins. I don't have answers about where we go after we die, but I have heard from someone who resides in the hereafter.
The critical hours after someone dies has you bewildered, but not delusional. Pain takes over, if you've lost someone who gave you a reason to keep breathing, as they lived with you. I was devastated, but sharp witted after my young husband died.
The second I heard the voice of my deceased husband, I knew that something special was occurring.
I am not a psychopath, nor am I someone prone to delusions. Life has created someone who views life very pragmatically. I was alone, but not so lost in thought, that I was unable to talk to people who called me after Tom died. My husband reached out to me. He spoke to me, hours after he died. That crystal clear conversation still sits in the forefront of my mind and I shared that special moment with the world, because treasure is meant to be shared. Literal treasure is how I view that paranormal moment, that diverted me from any thought of following my husband to wherever he found himself. I didn't need to ask where he was, since I knew he was focused on me. I focused on him. The shock of death happened and who did he worry about? Me. Love can conquer seemingly impenetrable hereafter barriers, well, love and Tom Mosley.
