I don't intend to ever be this scared of life ever again. My demeanor tells you all you need to know about how hard my childhood could be. The young man with me? Tom Mosley came into my life like a love tornado and pulled my stories out of me.
Throwback Thursday.
Have you read See You Later?
This is Tom with me before Snow Whirl, in 1987. Remember when he said he hated high school dances, until he found me dancing with another boy at one? 😉
In this photo, I had just turned 16 and he is still 16, because his 17th birthday would be 30 days later.
Those gray boots are the ones I wrote about during his fight with a couple of my high school bullies. That image of him scooting around and punching those idiots will always be with me.
Five years later… I buried him with those boots. 💛
