Is there life after death?
Scientists would have you believe that life ends when our bodies stop functioning.
Did you know, contrary to previous notions that brain cells die within 5 to 10 minutes, evidence now suggests that if left alone, the cells of the brain die slowly over a period of many hours. So, as I think of this, I remember my first goodbye to Tom, on a steel gurney within a military hospital. He potentially heard me, as he laid right in front of me and not from wherever he would eventually find himself. This helps explain our phone call hours later and his answering my concerns.
There IS life after death, I don’t care about a study negating that, because I have proof.
Have you read my memoir? My relationship with Tom was beautifully unusual and even his brutal exit was bizarrely unusual. Our afterdeath conversation, also amazingly unusual.
He forever remains in my heart and I’m happy that so many are getting to know him, now. Somehow, this makes me happy. Tom is alive in a multitude of peoples hearts and minds and that is flat out wonderful. And you know what else is incredible? Tom’s daughter now knows her Dad. It’s not that she hasn’t heard my stories about him, but now she truly knows him, like relates to him and feels connected to him. And she also now truly knows how sad her Mom was while growing up. Something magical is happening, my memoir is creating new emotions even in me and my girl.
