Let’s get it out there.
I’m a mom, but before I was a mom, I was someone’s daughter.
Here it is…
It’s devastatingly hard to have just one life with a mom that dealt me her unhealed generational brokenness from her own childhood.
I get to be a grown woman who grew up desperately alone and unloved by my mother. That’s my childhood.
My mother’s brokenness made for a loveless parent.
I hit the broken lottery and also had a father who was broken inside, but that was also combined with ugly abuses and toxic behaviors.
I had a set of parents who didn’t have it in them to break their generational curses, so they slammed me with all of it and didn’t care how it affected me.
On one hand, I have empathy for my lackluster mother.
But, on the other hand, I have so much anger, that she had so many years to repair herself and she never had empathy for me.
She was not loving, and didn’t break the cycle, so now I have to deal with the consequences.
No one talks about how painful it is when your mother stabs you in the back, to create your lifelong mother wound.
She created trauma in my life, that I had just begun to overcome all on my own, and then my husband died when I was 21.
Then began the pattern of my helping my mother…I sheltered my mother from my father.
I went from birth until now, never hearing my mother say that she loved me, spontaneously. 
What did I do wrong? Nothing…literally nothing. I was the daughter most people pray for.
#healingchildhoodtrauma #trauma #breakthecycycle #childhoodtrauma #ptsd #cpts #toxicparents #narcissists #motherwound
