Life is funny, I had a childhood full of feelings, but I was never allowed to express them, so I wrote them all down. Now, I have a webpage where I can express those feelings, much like I do within my diaries. When I met Tom Mosley, he saw my doubtful way of expressing myself and immediately began telling me, "I've got you." The first time he said that lovely phrase, I felt such love for him. No one had ever made me feel safety and love until he said that to me. That phrase held such power over me, a loving power of finally knowing that I had someone who wanted to hear my secrets, no, he needed to hear my secrets, because he wanted them to crawl out and away from me.
Here I am today, telling all of you, I've got you. We're in it together, to get our feelings of abuse, be it emotional abuse, mental abuse, or physical abuse, out! I'm here and I understand. It's important to feel heard and loved. In my not too distant past, I was unloved and ignored. Those days are over. I won't hide what happened to me any longer, nor what happened to Tom as he grew up. The life I live today is because of my extended family members and as much as they dislike my letting my skeletons out of my closet, those skeletons won't go back in that closet ever again. Let's do the unthinkable, tell your hurts , because it's liberating.
I've got you! Fight the DNA!
