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Toxic holidays

Are you one of the many who have toxic holidays due to having to deal with people you'd rather avoid? You are not alone.

Thanksgiving is coming.

Holidays, they are a cluster-F, for a lot of us.

I can remember holidays with the Norris’s, mornings filled with foods, toys, or smiles almost always ended in drama. My Dad might suddenly throw a fit and decide to scream at my Mom or I after we played a board game together. And I’d still have to sit down to dinner with a man who might have just smacked me and said horrible things to me.

It’s okay, some of you might not relate to this kind of upbringing, but for those of us who have grown up in the midst of dysfunctional families, this is our normal. It’s wonderful if you don’t relate.

My mother has been sporadically reaching out, now that my book is published. I have to keep telling myself to keep on living my life without her. She’s old, maybe she’s infirm and possibly lonely. I don’t have to care. She ditched me for her abusive alcoholic husband, my father and did zip to ever protect me as a child.

I don’t hate my parents anymore. I did, I admit it. I don’t hate them any longer, I’m over it. Why do I even care that my mother has not read my memoir? You know, it’s because she never ceases to amaze me. She continues to be monumentally disappointing.

It’s okay to avoid holidays with people who hurt you. Be happy, and avoid that bullshit.


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