I’ve been called toxic and told that my book is full of hatred.
Those descriptions come from a person who was once related to me and they’d not even read my book(s).
-They have not read where I wrote about the fact that I will always love them and that’s probably why their chosen exit from my life, choosing our abuser, hurt me the very most. (Down the Rabbit Hole of Narcissism)
-They have not read about descriptions of my personal child abuse and their marital abuse that I witnessed. (See You Later and Down the Rabbit Hole of Narcissism)
-If there’s any hatred written, it’s the repeated moments where my father told me that he hated me and I discuss knowing at the age of 11 that my father hated me. I’ve always known and documented that ugly fact in both books. (I don’t need it revealed to me in a text to my husband.) Who hates an 11 year old little girl? A narcissistic male chauvinist is who hates a little girl becoming a feminine young lady. A woman hater hates any and all women, even his own daughter and wife. No
-I’ve always known that my father hated women. I wrote about in in See You Later. (I don’t need it revealed to me in a text to my husband.)
