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Narcissism 101

Truth telling scapegoat, that’s me. Hey there!

“1.Narcissists want you to stay silent. They want you so overwhelmed with shame, at having allowed yourself to be fooled by them, that you never dare to out them to the world.

2. Narcissists attempt to appear, as someone, beguilingly intelligent to most, and this is deviously purposeful. It is done, as to make you appear begrudgingly bitter, painting you as vengeful, when you finally begin to share your authentically true stories about your brutal life with them.

3. Narcissists demand that they appear intelligent and kind. It’s a distraction technique. For example, maybe they feed the homeless, or appear active in the community, maybe they post on social media about taking care of shelter animals, or perhaps they make a point of sharing links to church activities. They must appear believable. If they appear, superiorly intelligent and kind, there’s no way they can be the perpetrator of any unkindness upon you. Understand? Deviously calculated.

4. Truth tellers are not afraid to be alone. Narcissists want support by the masses, weaponizing their supporters against you. The more you share about their toxic ways, the more they have their friendship wagons circle and support them. They demand followers via social media sites such as YouTube, Instagram or FB, and it’s almost like a vampiric need for them, support.

Truth tellers know the truth, and therefore they don’t worry about who believes them, because they know reality. Truth tellers can go it alone, steadfastly resolute. 

5. Truth telling is not for the weak. Narcissists feed off of your silence. I was tag teamed by narcissistic parents. They fed off of my kindness and forgiving nature when I was merely a child. Speak up! Tell it all.

6. Stay consistent. Get your power back. Narcissists hate when you share what they look like behind their mask. Precise talking points, don’t let them frazzle you with woe as me talk, stay focused. Stay strong!

7. A bloated ego is a sure sign of a narcissist. Know anyone who posts about their superior intellect? Know anyone who laughs at their own social media postings? Know anyone who details one sided scenarios that frame them as tragically suffering, due to a wrong constantly repeating or being levied against them in their life? Narcissistic behavior 101. They are a forever victim. But why does it keep happening to me? Ever heard that one? It’s all about them never working on themselves, because they are nothing less than spectacular! I’m being facetious. It’s a complex, narcissism…they can’t get out of their superior way.”

Author of Down the Rabbit Hole of Narcissism, Natalie Mosley Klenotic


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