The children's book is jumping into other states, officially! I was contacted by several hospitals and funeral homes over the last week and today, Daddy's Not Gone is being mailed to them. This is phenomenally outweighing any negativity that eeks into my world here and there.
The positivity from my books, far outweighs any negativity from the misinformed or those who feel angry at my healing journey. It's been monumentally invigorating, doing all of the public speaking, donating, and meeting with abuse victims.
I picture that young lady collapsed beside the front door of my California apartment, after her husband died and now see her talking to her deceased husband and having the literal life breathed back into her, by her deceased husbands phone call. He soothed my concerns about him and ignited a literal phoenix. I began to stand on my own, completely alone and stopped my in-laws and my parents from treating me poorly, ever again and it feels good. The memoir was not #1 for no reason. My memoir is resonating with many and that is healing for me. That girl was terrified of moving back to Indiana and yet, she was stronger than ever. It took standing on my own two feet to find my voice. Tom was gone.
If I'm contacted across multiple social media platforms, (or my daughter is contacted) I will respond. I have now had 3 former family members reach out to me and attempt either brief reconciliation or suggested stoppage of my story. (They reach out and don't allow me to respond, since they then immediately block me. No discussion or response is allowed by me and that's frustrating, but fairly typical.) And what is funny, is that not a one of them has read my memoir. Stop what? What do I need to stop saying, exactly? Read the memoir and release your opinion, until you finish the book. For someone(s) to ignorantly reach out and not know what they are talking about is one thing, but multiple people reaching out on different social media sites and then blocking me is juvenile. One day, I truly hope all of them come full circle and realize that they are incredibly lucky to have not grown up with the same people that I did. My life now created the parent I am. I will always protect my children from harm and that includes protecting them from ignorant family members. I am their mother and I refuse to not protect them as my mother did me. She allowed me to be abused due to weakness or distraction from her own self being abused. She lived her life not standing in the way of my being abused. I am not like her.
MY MOTHER FINALLY ADMITTED THAT MY FATHER ABUSED THE BOTH OF US, AFTER A LIFETIME OF TELLING ME I WAS MAKING IT ALL UP. It took decades of denial before she finally said that I had been telling the truth since I was 16. I was 16 and telling my boyfriend I'd been abused since I was three years old and my own mother called me a liar. I've lived a life of being told to shut up. It's been hard. My parents threatened me with litigation and when I simply replied with reminding her about the night she took me to the all went away.
Do you understand? I grew up abused and it's not easy to forget.
-Tom was punched by his father, after Tom stood up to my high school bullies. Can you see the dysfunction in that situation? Tom beautifully defended me and his father then punched him and told him to get out by 18. Life was so confusing for the both of us under the roof of each of our childhood homes. It was me and him against the world and I can't help thinking how great of a team we were. We helped one another get out of those abusive homes and we had a beautiful success story until it ended tragically.
Now, everyone believes my mother in modern day and she is all about how she lived with an abusive husband...and it's too late for me to be believed by those same people she had convinced about my being a liar, because I removed myself from her life when she skipped my daughters high school graduation. I was called a liar by the same people who now cater to her abused life. I'm happy she finally admits what I said was the truth, as a 16 year old and forward. It's okay, let her have her truthful moments. I knew that I was telling the truth decades ago, it's fine. I hope she is healing and prays for my forgiveness. Life is better under a truthful umbrella that shields you from any naysayers dropping into your world.
My family was willing to lose me to their abusive, ugly natures, because I refused to be bullied, controlled, or abused any longer. I grew up bullied and unable to speak in my own home. I was refused the basic right of having my own opinion, until I married and moved far away. I was told how to think. Do you have any idea how debilitating that is to one's psyche? I hope you don't relate, because if you do, it's because you grew up emotionally and physically bullied. I will continue to say how I was raised and not stop touting the positive life I now live. Narcissists hate when you escape them and live a great life, so that is my revenge.
Freedom of speech is healing and also my stories are slightly edited to protect me...and they are written from my vantage point.
-If you disagree with me, write a book, it's your right. Only I know what I have been through.
My memoir has healed so much of what I was once angry about.
I'm lighter.
I'm an advocate for many.
I'm more me than ever before. I'm nearly healed. I'm writing more.
Know this, both of my books are helping so many on their own paths, that it's creating doors. Many are finally walking out doors that contained abuse, because they read my memoir. Many are reading the children's book to their kids after a loved one passes away and their parent-child relationship is stronger knowing that there is a new way to connect to a lost loved one.
I can't explain positivity to someone who falsely sees negativity. I'm appealing to people who grew up abused, as I did. I'm helping advocate for those who are still finding their voice. I wish that I'd had an adult advocating for me outside or inside of my abusive home, but that is in the past. Current day has me helping others and that feeling is incredibly healing.
You can't explain what you went through as a child or teenager to someone who does not want to listen. It's a moot point. It's literally futile. Firsthand experience in being abused has me understating the literal pain I endured, because it might appear dramatic to those who have not lived through it. Firsthand knowledge is not always understandable to those who refuse to believe anything negative about someone they currently know as loving. I get it, but don't attempt to dissuade my knowledge simply because you don't know what I do. We can agree to disagree, because I'd never tell someone to stop saying how wonderful a person is when I know differently. We can each have our own opinions. Neither is wrong and neither is fully right, we disagree. Love your people and I will love mine.
Old family members surface due to their inadequate way of understanding all of the good my memoir and children's book is doing. My book is a huge positive because it is a success story. I got out and remained out of an abusive home, when I could have easily been sucked back in.
I wish old family well. They had a chance to be part of the healing. They have their own path and I don't cry about them any longer.
Important days are ahead. It's a shame that they live in the past and not in present day, but it's okay. Everyone has their own lives and decisions they make. I will always be part Mosley, but the Mosley that I am, is connected to my deceased husband, no one living is any relation to me under that name.
